
Washtenaw County Property/Parcel Lookup

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Effective June 4, 2018 the County will move its delinquent tax search to BS&A -

The Property/Parcel Lookup combines current real property (real estate) data from the Washtenaw County Treasurer and the Equalization and Property Description Department.

To begin searching the system, you may enter just a parcel number, or an owner name, or a street address (including street number or range of street numbers, and street name).  You may also enter a street direction and city, village or township to narrow the search.

Parcel Number:
Enter 12 digit number
- - - -
XX-XX-XX-XXX-XXX (Please make sure that the parcel   number contains 12 characters, including all spaces)
Street Name:
(Please only include street name. e.g.  Main NOT Main St.)
Street Number:
or From:
Range of Street Numbers:  
City, Village, or Township:
Taxpayer Name:
(Last name first)